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Blessings come in various forms  — unique to an individual. The BeBlessed Foundation giving model accommodates a variety of ways to give. Blessors are able to offer their time, talent, and treasure to provide blessings.


Time is a valuable resource. From volunteering at a food shelf to delivering groceries to a financially struggling neighbor, there is a multitude of ways to donate time. BeBlessed is committed to providing volunteer services to communities and individuals in need.


Each members of the blessor network has a unique set of skills. The variety of offerings within the network allows BeBlessed to provide blessings of all kinds. The variety of skills that BeBlessed offers is dependent on the strength of the blessor network.


Monetary donations from our gracious blessors help fuel the mission of the BeBlessed Foundation. No amount is too small. Tax-deductible contributions help aid the enactment of blessings for communities and individuals in need.

Join the network of blessors to spread blessings – acts of kindness, compassion, and community.

Interested in joining the blessor Network?
Fill out the form below to learn more about blessing opportunities or contact